Best elvui setup for tank
Best elvui setup for tank

best elvui setup for tank

I am also going to include links to a lot of the ElvUI addons. (If you have never used GitHub before all you have to do is click on the Green " Clone Or Download" button on the top right and click "Download As ZIP") Being that this is a backport is has most of the newer features you have grown accustom to in retail, but has been backported to work with WOTLK and is constantly being updated, improved, and added to. I know the sunwell addons section has a version of ElvUI already but to my knowledge it is the version that was out during WOTLK. This is the backported version of ElvUI for World of Warcraft 3.3.5a that is updated almost weekly. I haven't seen this posted anywhere so I thought I would share it.

Best elvui setup for tank